Traveling Together Just Got BetterUse ProTrip to access your trip itinerary and to organize research & recommendations for your upcoming trip! Gather a list of interesting places for your upcoming trip, consolidate trusted recommendations from friends, and, once you begin your trip, you and your fellow travelers can collaborate to create a Trip Journal filled with photos, videos, notes and locations. FeaturesTrip Itineraries:Access your trip itinerary, along with curated travel information, for your Protravel International planned trip!Collaborate with friends:Invite friends to recommend places for your upcoming tripInvite fellow travelers and friends to contribute to your Trip JournalCreate a Trip JournalRecord memories of your trip (along with friends and fellow travelers) filled with photos, videos, locations and notes.View a consolidated map of the locations inside your Trip JournalYour Trip Journal can also be viewed on the web.Share with friends:Share with friends via email, Facebook, and TwitterWorks OfflineProTrip is designed to work offline. The app will automatically synchronize any changes the next time your mobile device is connected.